The blog for SUNY Binghamton's Spring'09 COLI 214B 02 Literature and Society Class. Chapter summaries, analyses and discussion of prescribed texts written by students.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Robert Stevens

As the story continues, Zampanò trails off on a tangent about echo. First discussing the two Greek myths regarding the nymph Echo, and then discussing the science of the echo (why it exitsts, etc.) Karen's claustrophobia is revealed here as well...which may have been the result of childhood trauma she experienced sometime when she was 13 years old. After deciding he is in over his head when it comes to exploring the hallway and its subsequent rooms, he enlists the help of Holloway and his team to pick up where he leaves off. Each expedition they undertake subsequently takes longer than the one that preceded it. On the 4th excursion they don't even come back before chapter VIII ends, thus prompting the combat photographer in Will to mount a rescue attempt.

Johnny Truant's side of this story is getting more involved. He is now smitten by a stripper he calls "Thumper" ...he frequently discusses his numerous one night stands, and is beginning to open up somewhat about his past, including the story of how his foster father broke his tooth when he was young. He is also frequently under the influence of drugs and alcohol, which hinders his ability to stay on track. He is also being "persued" by a "beast" be it in his own mind, or real, it is having a profound effect on his psyche.


1. Why do they still refer to him as Navidson? (even Karen calls him "Navy")
--They use Tom Navidson's first name to depict him, why not Will's?

2. Why can't animals go down this hallway?

3. The "beast" that Johnny sees seems to be associated with anyone that is associated with Zampanò, including Zampanò himself...why is this?

4. Where is the growling noise coming from?

and last, but certainly not least....

5. Where do Holloway, Wax and Jed go when they have to use the toilet during these expeditions?

Blog name suggestions:

The best damn blog, period.


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