The blog for SUNY Binghamton's Spring'09 COLI 214B 02 Literature and Society Class. Chapter summaries, analyses and discussion of prescribed texts written by students.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Natalya Gornopolskaya

Within these next few chapters I cannot help but become consumed within this story. I am bombarded with emotions of shock, disbelief, grief, terror, confusion and puzzlement. As Navidson becomes lost within the shifting natures of the house, there is chaos erupting outside of the darkness. As the other men escape they are badly hurt, Jed is pronounced dead and all are overwhelmed and worried for Navidson. About four days pass until Navidson finally emerges from the depths of the hallways. Everyone is overcome with emotion at his return. Karen, who has found some degree of her own independence during Navy’s disappearance immediately prompts everyone to move out. As the packing is progressing, with all sorts of work to be done, the house inexplicably begins to collapse. Navidson is able to heroically save Karen, Reston, Chad and Daisy, but not his twin brother Tom. Tom is tragically lost to the house as he sinks, along with the walls into the depths of the dark hallways. The aftermath of these extreme circumstances serve as the groundwork for the remainder of this book. It is revealed that Holloway committed suicide as a result of his deep rooted feelings of inadequacy. Karen has moved herself and the kids to New York, where she has or hasn’t been having multiple affairs. Navidson takes his leave from Karen and the children in order to gather Tom’s things from the house. He says he’ll be gone a few days, but in fact ends up staying for several months. In Virginia, Navidson and Reston conduct several studies on the remnants of the house, as they try to find explanation for the horrors they suffered. Karen conducts her own labor of love by editing the video clips sent by Navidson into a short film that receives mixed reviews by several esteemed critics. She also makes her own film “for the one who she loves”, in it are several clips , photos and relics of Will Navidson. It is through the making of this film that Karen desires a reconciliation between her and Navidson. When it comes to Johhny Truant, we see him in a very self deteriorating condition. He no longer goes out, eats well or pays the bills. He simply stays at home under dimly lit candles, trying to compile all of Zampanò’s research. In a way he has become Zampanò, as he no longer values human contact, not even a call from Thumper. Johnny’s unbridled obsession with his work has made him increasingly paranoid, to the point at which he buys many destructive weapons for protection.


1. Is Johnny’s behavior rationally cautious?

2. Will we ever hear an explanation for why the house collapsed or how it came to exist?

3. Why did Navidson leave Karen?

4. Have the children been psychologically traumatized?

5. Will Johnny ever return to normal, will anyone ever help him?

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