The blog for SUNY Binghamton's Spring'09 COLI 214B 02 Literature and Society Class. Chapter summaries, analyses and discussion of prescribed texts written by students.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Julie Morvitz

I liked The Garden of Forking Paths. It was a little difficult at the beginning, but after the first couple of pages I started to get into the story. The whole idea of the book being a labyrinth reminded me of a type of book I used to read when I was younger. This type was where there are many endings, and the reader picks the path the characters continue on. The readers can then go back and read the other endings to the stories after they finish each one. These books are just like the labyrinth talked about in the story- there are endless possibilities of what can happen in Ts’ui Pen’s novel, and every different even that can happen, does. I like this idea and it makes me think of what would happen if real life was like that. People make decisions all the time that lead to different things, and if they had made a different decision their whole life could have been different. I wonder what it would be like if, like the book, someone in real life could just make a different decision or play each decision out to see what would happen.

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