The blog for SUNY Binghamton's Spring'09 COLI 214B 02 Literature and Society Class. Chapter summaries, analyses and discussion of prescribed texts written by students.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mike Lampasona

The beginning of this book caught my attention, with the narrator expressing regret for answering Lude's call. This book seems interesting, and I especially enjoy reading the sections written by Johnny Truant. However, it is confusing at parts, and I also do not understand the footnotes. Am I supposed to be absorbing any information from these footnotes?

Also, the descriptive language in this book is great. I thought the little tangent about the coffee and surface area, and the explanation for it, was a pleasure to read. I'm also curious about why house is written in blue, and I'm guessing that 5 and a half minute video clip has something to do with what's going to happen to the house later on. Zampano's history also seems like it can offer insight into the house, as I don't really understand his writings. I'm curious about Navidson's film, and also eager to learn about the fate of Daisy and Chad. I also noticed that Daisy is a common name for girls in books. Maybe I'm wrong but I've never known someone named Daisy in person, but heard it a few times in books. Well that's not really relevant, I guess. So here's my discussion questions...

1. Why is house written in blue?
2. What happened at the end of Chapter 4?
3. What's the passage about riddles on pages 33-34 about?

-Mike Lampasona


Michael Lampasona said...

Is there a way to edit this, I had spelling errors. My bad.

Michael Lampasona said...

Nevermind I figured it out.

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